Google Ads

Unlocking Google Ads’ Full Potential

Achieving optimal results with Google Ads requires skillful use and addressing issues like low CTR and high CPC with improved content and bidding strategies. Tactical MA maximizes Google Ads’ effectiveness by integrating its data into marketing automation, ensuring timely, need-specific content delivery to prospects. This approach optimizes ad spend return and enhances customer engagement.

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Content and Bidding Strategies

Tactical MA enhances Google Ads campaigns by blending tailored content with nuanced bidding strategies, including device and regional adjustments and a mix of manual and automated bidding, ensuring campaign success.


Google Ads serves as a data tool, offering insights into user behaviors and interests. Tactical MA utilizes this data to identify customer personas and create intuitive marketing paths for each, enhancing the journey from lead capture to close.

Marketing Automation Integration

Integrating Google Ads user data with marketing automation, Tactical MA crafts personalized campaigns that nurture leads from awareness to conversion. This synergy streamlines marketing and optimizes outcomes, enabling automated, timely, and persona-specific communication.

Experience matters!

Tactical Marketing Automation assists hundreds of businesses to help solve their greatest problems and exceed their sales and marketing goals. We focus on automating and optimizing marketing contributions throughout the customer lifecycle. With our documented methodology, Tactical MA equips digital marketing teams to optimize link tracking, page conversions, qualified lead generation, and metric reporting. By implementing effective sales operations, we help you maximize process visibility, pipeline management, and revenue forecasting.

Our goals

Our goals are directly related to your results

Your website is the core of your customer experience. We build and optimize your website to attract the right audience with the right message at the right time.
We integrate and configure the leading sales and marketing tools for your business so that traffic to your website can be properly tracked, scored and delivered to your sales team.
Seamless integration with your CRM ensures that your sales team is delivered high-quality leads so they can improve their productivity and more effectively reach your goals.
Let the data tell the story of your success through daily, weekly and monthly reports that encapsulate the entire customer journey from website visitor to loyal customer.

Free Marketing Automation Process Guide

Well-designed automation leads to 12% lower marketing costs and a 15% increase in sales productivity.

Download our Guide Today